Snow/Cancellation Protocol
- The chief of police will make the call by 3:00 PM to cancel the parade in case of inclement weather.
- The following communication chain will be used to notify the community
- The chief of police will inform his staff and the chair of the LSOC Parade Committee
- The police department will notify CDOT
- The chair of the LSOC Parade Committee will notify the parade committee
- The parade committee will communicate the information via the website; the LSOC Facebook Page; a group email to the contact people on the parade applications; and to the parade logistics team.
- The city manager will post the information on the website and place a message on the city information phone number: 719-687-5294.
- Parade participants can check the, website, the LSOC Facebook page, the website for updates or call the city’s information number: 687-5294
- Due to the logistics of closing Highway 24, there will not be a reschedule date for the Parade.
- If there is snow and the parade is not cancelled, the city will prioritize plowing the sidewalks, Midland Avenue for float line-up, and Highway 24 if necessary.